Tablet Marketing App Rotation
As you begin to embrace tablet marketing as a viable marketing strategy for your business, no doubt you will start to uncover more and more ways to use tablets in your store. One thing that companies are discovering is that they don’t have to only use one app for in-store tablet marketing. Businesses can use as many or as few apps as they feel necessary based on their tablet marketing strategy. In this article we are going to talk about app rotation for tablet marketing and how you can leverage app rotation when engaging customers in your store or at your trade show booth with an iPad or other tablet.
Rotate Apps for Engaging Customers While In-Store
When it comes to tablet marketing for businesses the third party app market is still in its infancy (*date as of: 03/08/2013) but that will not be the case for long. Even with the fact that there are not many third party in-store marketing apps on the market today, there are still enough apps for businesses to run multiple apps as part of your tablet marketing strategy. Perhaps you want to show customers your website, but you also have a killer YouTube video that you’d like customers to see, do both. Couple that with also running an app like OnSpot Social to collect Facebook Likes and that’s three apps that you have to get in front of your customers. You can either rotate the apps throughout the day/week/month/year or you can set up multiple iPad Kiosks in your store or at your trade show booth.
When to Rotate Apps for Tablet Marketing
Determining when to rotate your apps, which apps to run on specific days and times, can seem overwhelming at first. That said, if you approach it by keeping your goals for each of your tablet marketing tactic in mind, you will find it much easier to determine when to rotate your apps. If you think about what you want to achieve by showing your website or playing that YouTube video then you will start to think about the type of customer who you want to see each of those and when that customer usually comes to your store. Perhaps you value showing the YouTube video more than the website, well then that further helps crystallize when you should rotate each of those apps. Perhaps you want to show the website from Noon to 4pm Friday – Sunday because those are your busiest dates/times in terms of store traffic. These are some of the things that you can think of when coming up with your strategy for rotating the different apps.
Set Up Multiple iPad Kiosks Running Different Apps
The other option is to set up multiple tablets at your location. By having more than one iPad kiosk set up at your store, at your trade show booth, etc. you open up the possibilities for engaging your customers with multiple apps during one visit. Some may choose to engage with both, others none, and the rest might engage in one but not the other. You’ll have to try it to see exactly how it will work with YOUR customers.
Running multiple apps at the same time is a strategy that I think businesses should use after they have taken a stepped approach to tablet marketing. Let’s face it, as of the date that this article is published, tablet marketing for businesses as a trend is in its infancy. The past two years have seen the trend form, and the early adopters start to come on board. As we discussed earlier in this article, as more and more businesses like yours start to implement tablet marketing as a strategy, more and more new tactics and ways to leverage the iPad for in-store marketing will emerge. Running multiple apps on multiple tablets at the same time to engage customers is definitely a more advanced strategy when put in the light of a developing trend. That said, in the future, this will seem like child’s play to you! Keep trying new things, refining, and all the while reap the extreme benefits of using a tablet as a marketing tool to engage customers while at your physical location.