Top Tablet Enclosures For Digital Signage
As we move into another new year, 2014 seems to be destined to become the year of the tablet for business. All signs are pointing to a big year for in-store tablet marketing, and for that, businesses need tablet enclosures. Being that we have a huge announcement coming up here in the next week or so regarding OnSpot Social and Digital Signage, I wanted to write a quick article giving you some of the top tablet enclosures I’m seeing on the market today. If you’re in the market for a tablet enclosure or tablet kiosk, definitely consider some of the options below based on your goals and strategies.
Mac Locks iPad Floor Stand
Mac Locks is a top tier provider of high quality tablet enclosures in today’s marketplace. They have some truly amazing tablet enclosures to choose from, from branded iPad floor stands to POS kiosks. The Mac Locks iPad floor stand would be a great tablet enclosure for your digital sign. It is stand alone, can be branded, is secure, and can be placed almost anywhere to capture your audiences attention. Any business looking for tablet enclosures for digital signage should consider the Mac Locks iPad Floor Stand.
iPad Mini Enclosure for Digital Signage
A monster in the tablet hardware industry is Armore Active. They are always creating new tablet enclosures for different situational uses. With the release of the iPad Mini, Apple once again provided businesses owners with a new tool for digital signage. Armore Active, spotting the need for a new line of tablet enclosures created the iPad Mini enclosure for digital signage. As you can see from the image to the right, businesses can now use an iPad Mini in a tablet enclosure as a digital sign that provides information about their business, products, services, promotions, etc. The iPad Mini enclosure can stand alone on a tabletop OR be attached to the enclosure tree as depicted in this image. Either way, it’s going to attract much more attention for all of the businesses who decide to use tablets as digital signs.
Tablet Enclosures for Digital Signage
As you can see, in 2014, there are a number of different tablet enclosures on the market. Depending on your goals and objectives, you may need one type or another. You may also need to leverage many types of tablet enclosures based on how and where you want to position your digital signs around your store or trade show.
Do you have a particular tablet enclosure that’s worked well for you? Please share which tablet enclosure(s) you’re using, and how you’re using those tablet enclosures for digital signage, in the comments section below.