New Features: Customizable Thank You Message And More
Like all marketing technology, the OnSpot Social app is constantly evolving—putting you in more control of the user experience. The latest update to the app gives you additional options regarding both the Thank You Message and the Disclaimer Statement in your iPad marketing interactions. Oh, and there’s confetti. So, read on…
Make it Your Own
To customize one or both of those areas, log into your account at (or, into the back end of the app, itself) and go to App Setup. Click on any interaction in the profile you want to edit, and then, click General.
There, you’ll see new options allowing you to change or add an image to your Thank You message. You can also change the Disclaimer Statement or remove it completely. You know…if you plan to send a zillion super-clever, not-at-all-spammy emails to your customer and/or sell his information to the highest bidder. (We kid!)
Did we mention there’s confetti? You now have the power to wow your customers by celebrating their arrival at the end of the user experience with an uber-clever Thank You message…and confetti. Boom.
Personalize The Customer Experience
Greeting your customers or leads with a customized message is a effective way to send a positive feeling about your awesome brand.
Here are some examples of how you can personalize your Thank You message to better connect with customers.
You can also just the Thank You message, without adding an image. Or, add Confetti Animation, which is a fun way to add life to your message (and elate your users!).
In Short
We want you to make OnSpot Social your own. Connecting with your customers in a way that feels authentic and fits your brand is important. Now, you can create custom messages that speaks in your voice, to your customers.
And, Stay tuned. We have more rabbits in our hat.
—Team OSS
Download OnSpot Social and enter the future of iPad Marketing
To check out these new OnSpot Social features – download the latest version of the app here.
If you do not already have an account – you can sign up here to try the app for free with no strings attached.