Marketing Agencies Generate Additional Revenue with OnSpot Social Affiliate Program for iPad
The OnSpot Affiliates program recently launched to a lot of fanfare from bloggers to marketing agencies worldwide. In a previous article we explained the affiliate program and all of the benefits affiliates receive when they sign-up for the program. OnSpot Social is an iPad application that helps companies grow their social media community and email marketing list on the spot through an iPad. Whether the company is at an event or has a storefront, OnSpot Social can help them add Facebook Likes and Twitter Followers, collect email addresses and other data from consumers. The biggest challenge every company faces who wants to leverage social media marketing and email marketing is building their online community. Now, with OnSpot Social, that challenge is easily overcome. Marketing agencies now have a viable tool to help their clients quickly grow their networks. Not only will their clients be very happy with your recommendation of OnSpot Social, but with our affiliate program you can generate reoccurring revenue for your agency.
Marketing Agencies Recommend Tablet Marketing to Clients
Everywhere you go these days, your odds of seeing a tablet being used by a business to market to, and engage with, consumers is on the rise. The Tablet Marketing trend is much more established than it was when we first began development of version 1.0 of OnSpot Social. We are at a point now where the early adopter marketing agencies are beginning to see value in adding Tablet Marketing specialists to their internal teams so that they have the knowledge base to go out and encourage their clients to consider utilizing Tablet Marketing to engage their real world customers. Tablet Marketing brings all of the benefits of Digital Marketing to the real world for companies. Not only can marketing agencies generate revenue by helping their clients craft, and execute on, Tablet Marketing strategies and tactics, but through affiliate programs like OnSpot Affiliates, they can generate additional revenue by recommending specific tablet marketing software to their clients.
OnSpot Social Affiliate Program for Marketing Agencies
Marketing Agencies have the ability to generate commission from all sales that you refer to OnSpot Social. You can simply sign-up for the affiliate program and start recommending OnSpot Social to your clients. We will provide you with a unique URL which you can use to drive traffic from your website to our website. We will provide you with a promo code that you can provide to clients in person or provide to prospective clients during events, etc. As an OnSpot Affiliate you will earn 20% commission on every 6-month and 1-year subscription that is purchased via either your unique URL or custom promotional code. Each time a customer either adds another device to their subscription plan or renews an existing subscription you get paid again. It’s a pretty nice deal especially when you think about it from a different perspective, which is even if you were not making money and you brought this idea to your clients and it helped them grow their social media community you would be seen as having provided a valuable recommendation to your client. Now, add to that the fact that you can make money for bringing a good idea to your clients and it’s just that much sweeter!
We hope you’ll sign-up today to become either an affiliate or reseller for OnSpot Social.