Collect a Quarter Million Social Media and Email Connections for Your Business
It’s incredible to think that just 14 short months ago the OnSpot Social team was celebrating the approval by Apple to put OnSpot Social in the App Store. It was a great day. A day where our team finally realized all of the hard work that we had put in to get to that point. It was also a moment of realization that the work had really just begun…
I can still remember the first sale. The first time a customer used the app to collect a Facebook Like, a Twitter Follower, and an Email Address. It was just an incredible feeling knowing that an idea from your head has been put into action and is actually helping businesses build their social media community and collect more email addresses for their email marketing list. Simply an incredible feeling! Now, 14 months later, OnSpot Social is being used in every type of business you can imagine, in more than a dozen countries around the world. Simply incredible!
Types of Businesses Using OnSpot Social
OnSpot is being used by companies big and small, companies who sell products, and companies who sell services. OnSpot Social is being used by non-profit organizations, as well as, very large for profit organizations. Marketing agencies love recommending it to their clients. Email Service Providers love recommending it as THE email addresses collection tool to their business customers. Tablet hardware companies love cross promoting it to help entice prospective customers to purchase their tablet kiosks and other hardware products. OnSpot Social really can help ALL companies build their social media and email communities. Even if you don’t have a physical location that consumers visit, you can use OnSpot at events that you attend as a visitor or attend by setting up a booth. It’s the perfect iPad app for events. No matter what type of company you run, I highly recommend that you give OnSpot Social a try.
A Quarter Million Social Media & Email Connections Collected with OnSpot Social
Now, 14 short months later, I took a look at the stats for the first time in a few weeks. We had signed up a number of companiesĀ both large and small since the last time I checked, so I was thinking there would be a large uptick in the number of connections collected through our iPad app. I was right… Our customers have used OnSpot Social to collect a whopping 230,929 new Facebook, Twitter, and Email connections for their companies!
I’ve never considered myself a salesman, but when I talk to new prospective customers these days, I simply let the data tell it’s own story. I know we have a product that is truly helpful. I don’t have to be a “salesman”. I just have to let OnSpot make sales for me. When companies start to realize just how powerful a tool OnSpot can be for their company, and when they realize all of the different things they can do with this iPad app for in-store marketing they simply fall in love.
I came from the marketing industry. It’s how I came up with the idea for OnSpot Social. The biggest social media challenge companies have is building a quality social media community and collecting quality email addresses for their email marketing campaigns. Using OnSpot Social in stores, at events, in your sports stadium, etc. to convert consumers into social media & email connections guarentees that these are the highest quality leads you can capture. They are people who actually took the time to visit your brick and mortar location. Now you have a tool that effectively converts them into online connections so you can cost effectively market to them in the future. Oh yeah, and it tracks conversions… finally, a tool that you can use to track return-on-investment for social media marketing and email marketing.
What an amazing 14 months. I can’t wait to see what the next 14 months brings. Can you say, 1 MILLION connections?! š