Collect Over 100 Facebook Likes in Less Than 3 Days
One of our most recent customers purchased an annual subscription for OnSpot Social. They are planning on using the iPad app for In-Store Marketing in order to convert shoppers into online connections. That said, our customer decided to purchase a subscription for OnSpot Social when they did because they had a big event that they were attending the following weekend. Their goal was to use OnSpot Social to collect Facebook Likes at the event.
In preparation for using OnSpot Social at their event our customer installed OnSpot Social on their iPad, customized their background theme, uploaded their company logo, and inputted a message to be displayed to event attendees. They decided not to offer any special incentives to help boost their conversion rate. Instead they wanted to see how OnSpot Social worked without using any incentives. Having an iPad at their booth, along with an innovative app for social media marketing, they hoped it was going to be enough to capture the attention of event attendees and get them to stop by the booth.
The event ran for two and half days over the weekend. They set upĀ OnSpot Social at the beginning of the event and didn’t shut it off until the event was over. Over the course of the 2.5 days approximately 300 people attended the event. Throughout the event our customer was extremely happy as they saw numerous people connecting with them on Facebook through OnSpot Social. OnSpot Social attracted event attendees to their booth just as they had hoped, which led to numerous conversations with prospective customers. At the end of the event our customer logged into the Administrative Section of OnSpot Social to see how many Facebook Likes they collected. To their complete satisfaction they learned that they collected 108 Facebook Likes with OnSpot Social.
Collecting 108 Facebook Likes in less than 3 days, or approximately 30% of all event attendees, is really impressive. Unless you’re a big brand or a company with a large advertising budget, normally you’re not collecting over 100 Facebook Likes in 3 days. It takes some companies months to collect 100 Facebook Likes, yet our customer, using only an iPad and OnSpot Social, collected over 100 Facebook Likes in 3 days. Needless to say they were extremely happy with their decision to try a new approach for collecting Facebook Likes, and they can’t wait to see how OnSpot Social works in their store.