An iPad App is Revolutionizing How Businesses Build an Online Community
OnSpot Social is an iPad app designed to help business owners convert in-store customers into online connections. By converting shoppers into online connections businesses now have the ability to market to those shoppers in the future through social media and email. In 2012 most business owners know how cost effective and valuable social media marketing and email marketing are for business. The issue is that until OnSpot Social, there wasn’t a good way to build a large online community quickly. Now, OnSpot Social allows business owners to collect online connections through an iPad right in your store or any physical location where you interact with consumers. In this article we are going to compare the traditional method for collecting Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Customer Email Addresses versus using OnSpot Social to collect Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Customer Email Addresses.
Traditional Methods vs. OnSpot Social
Traditional Method
Businesses use “Facebook Ads”, a method where your business pays Facebook for every user that is referred to your page through the advertisement. This method can be very expensive as many businesses pay over $2.00 per click, which doesn’t even ensure they will ‘Like’ your page.
OnSpot Social Solution
OnSpot Social allows an unlimited number of consumers to connect to your business through Facebook, Twitter, and Email for a low monthly fee.
Traditional Method
Business’s display a “LIKE Us” sticker at their physical location or mention their Facebook page on radio/TV advertisements. Many consumers overlook these, and those that notice them don’t want to pull out their smart phone and search for your business’s Facebook Page. When they are back home at their personal computer they have already forgotten your ad.
OnSpot Social Solution
OnSpot Social encourages consumers to connect with your business on the spot, without the extra effort of manually searching for the business’s Facebook page on their mobile phone or personal computer.
Traditional Method
A common method of obtaining Twitter followers is for a business to communicate directly with the community on Twitter. This method can be extremely time consuming, requiring your employees to spend substantial time on Twitter which could be utilized for other tasks.
OnSpot Social Solution
OnSpot Social encourages consumers to Follow a business’s Twitter account on the spot without requiring a time commitment from business personnel.
Traditional Method
Many business’s obtain consumer email addresses for their email marketing campaign by purchasing email lists from 3rd party companies. Purchasing email lists can be expensive and it is often difficult to judge the quality of the list purchased. Often, these companies sell the same lists to numerous businesses which leads to the consumers receiving excess advertisements. Consequently, your business’s email sent to these recipients may be overlooked.
OnSpot Social Solution
OnSpot Social enables consumers to provide you with their email address at your physical location. These consumers are the the one’s most likely interested in purchasing your product/service, making them the highest quality followers/subscribers.
Traditional Method
Another option businesses use to collect email addresses is to have a paper sign-up form at their physical location. This method requires employees to manually enter email data into your email database, while trying to decipher each consumer’s handwriting.
OnSpot Social Solution
Email addresses and customer data is collected right through OnSpot Social via iPad. Email addresses collected across iPads and multiple locations are aggregated into your business’s Consumer Email Database. Employees can then download email addresses on demand for inclusion in your email marketing list.
If you’re interested in seeing what OnSpot Social can do for you, be sure to download OnSpot Social for free from the app store, watch our videos, and decide if purchasing a subscription is right for your business.