5 Ways Teachers and Schools Can Use a Data Collection App
There’s an app for everything. In the education world, many mobile apps can give teachers and educators a great advantage in their field. These apps can enhance lesson plans and encourage teachers, give them new ideas for learning integration and organize complex academic scheduling.
Let’s look at five ways that a data collection app can help you and your students in the technologically-advanced education world today.
A data collection app doesn’t just collect. First and foremost, it can organize your grades, schedules, parental information and individual student progress in one application. An app can help organize your information by files and can easily be applied into graphs and averages which will show your class or your school’s progress as the data is obtained. No more missed grades and papers strewn. With one input of data, you can be sure your information is in one place.
A data collection application is a fantastic way to establish goals for yourself and the class, whether this includes weekly goals for the students in their homework, milestones with specific grades, or a teacher’s personal goals for the class. School administration can also greatly enhance their goals for the academic and financial fiscal year and keep them easily-accessible in an iPad app.
Behavior Monitoring
A data collection app on your tablet can be infinitely beneficial in monitoring each student’s behavior. This can be especially utilized in the Special Education field. Considering Special Ed, recording and documenting a student’s everyday progress is imperative. A data collection app can keep this progress and compile it into categories. With this method, you can assess the progress in comparison with the students’ progress and determine your next step.
Parental Interaction
If your school offers iPads for students to take home, this becomes a valuable resource in communicating with the parent. Parents can monitor the data input and assess their child’s progress themselves. You can use the programs to alert parents about upcoming events, such as PTA meetings and leave a sign-up document for volunteer opportunities and bring home those pesky permission slips for electronic signatures. This can also simplify e-mailing and online communication between parents and teachers.
Reminders and Scheduling
With data organization comes scheduling. A data collection app can be perfect for adding reminders of meetings with parents, administration, and scheduling milestones and goals. With the hectic schedule of a teacher, a data app can make scheduling a breeze.
Keeping up with technology begins with knowing how it can enhance your career and enrich your life. Using a data application app on your mobile or shared iPad can maximize your efficiency in the classroom as well as communicate easily with parents and students. With visualization of progress, parents, teachers and administrators rest assured that academic goals are accomplished.