5 Tips for Building a Quality Email List
When it comes to generating a regular stream of income online, there is no source as reliable as a solidly built email list. A couple benefits of a building a quality email list are:
- The beauty of a properly functioning email list is that it provides the list owner with the opportunity to get repeat sales from the same list members – this sure beats having to constantly generate new traffic to your website every time you want to make a sale.
- A quality email list provides the opportunity to market to, build rapport with, and grow brand value with your clients on a daily or weekly basis in a contextual way.
Although an email list will come with a generous amount of hard work and nurturing on your end, the results you will reap from the effort will be worth every penny in sales. To take some of the learning curve away from this highly lucrative marketing approach, here are five excellent tips you can prepare to employ to help dramatically improve how your email list operates.
Know Your Traffic Sources
It may not seem obvious at first glance, but the source of where you get traffic from truly matters when engaged in niche marketing. Some niches prefer to be marketed to from a source like Google. Others, not so much. Still other niches get the best traffic for email list signups from personal referrals. What this means is that you will need to be prepared to do a little test marketing to discern which type of traffic is best obtained for your email list. You will need to keep track of which type of source and marketing approach is actually working to attract potential customers to actually sign up to your email list. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time utilizing marketing tactics that do not work to get people to opt into your email list.
Understanding Email Conversion Rates 
Before you begin building strategies about how to push an email campaign, you must be aware of a key fact. According to recent studies on the conversion rates of email campaigns, 81-percent of all sales occur at or after the fifth email contact with the customers on your list. Does this mean that everyone on your email list is going to buy after receiving five emails? No, that would be too easy. It means that among all the interested people who signed up for your email list, 81-percent of the overall sales will occur after an interested buyer has read at least five emails in your email campaign. This means you will want to make absolutely certain your email campaigns are not less than five emails long. In fact, it is best to keep them running for way longer than five emails to improve your long term results.
Using an Auto-responder
Admittedly, some online marketers go years without taking the time to realize the power of an auto-responder. If you are of the modern mindset of working smarter, not harder, then an auto-responder will quickly become your best email campaign marketing friend. Basically, an auto-responder provides you with the ability to set your entire email campaign up ahead of time. When a new person signs on to your email list, your auto-responder immediately wastes no time in contacting them with a response email. This protects against any danger that you might drop the ball and forget to follow up with new members that sign on to your email list. This is one way to build strong rapport with a potential customer. In essence, you are letting this new person know that they matter enough to receive prompt information upon joining your list. To make things more convenient, your auto-responder will automatically send out every message in your entire email campaign at the precise time interval you program it to send them. This means your email campaigns will truly be on autopilot once you have everything set up.
Getting People to Sign Up
Okay, so you understand how to get traffic, test your market and you even have an auto-responder service waiting to be all fired up. But, you still do not quite understand how to get people to sign up with their email. This is understandable. People need an incentive to hand out their personal email address to a stranger like you. One such incentive is to offer your potential signup an email course that they can only get if they actually sign up. Sure, you will have to be creative and provide your signup with something of quality for your auto-responder to send to their email box for a while, but quality content is what keeps people on your email list long term. Remember, you are going to have to give in order to receive. To fight this idea and not do the work of giving will simply leave you without signups and sales.
Never Purchase an Opt-in List from a Third Party
According to professional email list services, such as Mailchimp, it is against their terms of service to purchase and solicit from third party opt-in lists. Not only will a move like this get your account removed and banned from a legitimate email list service, it will also potentially get you into a lot of trouble with the law to attempt to send unsolicited emails to people who did not confirm they wanted to be on your email list. Sending email to a slew of people you purchased on a third party opt-in list is considered spamming. Remember, you are working hard to build a solid email list; consequently, the last thing you want to do is cut corners and ruin all your hard work in the process. This is simply one of those shady practices that is too risky to waste time entertaining. People who make money with the email list marketing approach get best results by operating on the level. The last thing you want is to have the reputation of being a spammer.
Bonus Tip
Imagine you have a trade show booth with hundreds or thousands of people passing by every day, who may or may not be ready to buy what you are offering. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to capture their email or social media information in just a few clicks? Using apps like our top rated email address & social media collection app to build your email list while at events, conferences, or trade shows is also an effective option for building quality email lists. What better place to not only get emails from people who are passing by your booth, but getting those whom you’ve spoken with, and thus are warm leads, to provide their email address.
Get a Free Trial of the App Store’s TOP RATED email address & social media collection app from Onspot Social Today.