5 Reasons to Use Mobile App Surveys
With the introduction of the smart phone, the way we used to do business has changed forever. This can be daunting, but using this technology will ultimately help businesses emerge from the rubble with new and inventive ways of reaching customers. A perfect example of this is the mobile survey.
Here are five reasons you should use mobile app surveys for your business.
1. Immediate Response
With paper surveys, you are subjected to tallying and organizing data over a period of time. With a mobile survey, your business can have immediate results which are tailored specifically to your intentions. These smart phone or tablet surveys can create a customized greeting based on time of day, respond with specifics about the customers’ demographics such as age, gender, financial and academic history.
2. Valuable Insight
Mobile surveys create valuable information on each customer. With text substitution, they can customize the survey to each customer and create insightful results for your company. This eliminates needless questions that aren’t applicable to everyone and gives you valued responses rather than simple statistics.
3. Interactive
The internet can speak to users. It can customize ad space and interact with each customer. A mobile survey does the same. With one click, an interested participant can fill out valuable information while interacting with the application in a new way. The finished product is a survey that moves and speaks to your clients. With an interactive survey, you also can use results from your first day to change the next day’s operation, keeping the application accurate and effective.
4. Branded
Your brand is important. With a simple logo design scheme, a mobile survey can imprint your brand in a user’s mind and remind them of the quality of your work. With a mobile survey, your business intentions are met with the ease of an app rather than reams of paper printed in company logo.
5. Instant Feedback
Lastly, a mobile survey gives you immediate feedback. This includes imperative information about your customer: their e-mail address, recent purchases and preferences and personal feedback on your business’s customer service, effective handling of difficult situations, and likelihood of return. A mobile survey can filter and group customer information based on how questions were answered and give you the results in calculated graphs, charts and averages.
Survey results have always been effective in fitting your business to customer’s needs. Mobile surveys are a versatile, inventive and savvy way to grow your business and keep in sync with technology. With interactive, inventive and creative applications, your business can receive instant responses and stay ahead of the technology curve.