To Purchase Or Not To Purchase? OnSpot Social Opens New Doors For The Retail Industry
Whether you own a small business with a storefront or rent a kiosk in your local mall, you are a modern day consumer as well, and as a consumer, you’ve likely been asked to sign up for a particular business’ newsletter, requested to “like” a business on Facebook, etc. And, in most cases, you are most often asked when you’re about to purchase something from their store.
While this can be an effective way of gathering more “likes” and email contacts for a business, what about those customers who don’t end up buying anything at all? Of course, everyone is free to browse, but how do you expect to continue to see your business grow if you’re not taking advantage of every opportunity?
This is where an app, like OnSpot Social, comes to the rescue!
Storefront Kiosks Enhance Customer Experience
Many retail businesses are beginning to incorporate iPad kiosks into their storefronts to not only boost their sales experience, but maximize their customers’ experiences as well. Because the iPad itself is incredibly user-friendly and even easier to customize for your business, it just makes sense to use this kind of technology to enhance customer relations, whether they purchase something or not.
Using the OnSpot Social App In Store (and everywhere else)
Any business or individual who uses social media marketing and email marketing to better communicate with an audience can utilize OnSpot Social to grow their network of subscribers. It can be used nearly anywhere, regardless of whether or not you have an internet connection– in your storefront, college or university, trade show or any other physical location where you expect to be interacting with consumers.
As mentioned before, businesses will often wait to ask their customers to sign up for a newsletter or subscribe to their social media networks, but why confine your own business to these limitations? By installing the OnSpot Social app to your storefront’s iPads, you’ll be giving your customers the opportunity to submit their information on their own terms. In fact, consumers are more likely to “like” or follow your business when they feel less obligated to do so in the first place.
Not only will you not have to avoid bombarding your purchasing customers at the checkout stand, allowing them to use your store’s iPad to submit their information will certainly keep other prospective customers from waiting in line to go through the same process. In other words, OnSpot Social is convenient for all.
Take Your Business to a Whole New Level
Social media plays a vital part in every business, small or large, because it is considered to be the most effective way to connect and engage not only with existing customers, but new clients as well. By taking your business to the next level with OnSpot Social, you’ll be able to keep up with the fierce competition out there, as well as easily convert your visitors (paying customers or not) to contacts or new leads. Find out what OnSpot Social can do for your business today!