Use iPads at Sports Stadiums to Convert Fans into Social Media Connections
Social Media has exploded on the sports scene over the past 2 years or so. More and more professional athletes and sports teams are using social media on a daily basis to communicate with fans. Sports teams have an advantage over other businesses in that almost 100% of their fans would absolutely LOVE to be connected with the team on social media. That said, with all of the fans out there, sports teams have a lot of room for growth when it comes to converting sports fans into social media connections. Sports teams have only scratched the surface in regards to building online relationships with fans, which is where OnSpot Social and iPad come in.
Every single sports stadium and sports arena around the world needs to set up iPad Kiosks throughout their stadium. Being a sports fan who enjoys going to the stadium to watch my teams play, I can tell you that the majority of professional sports teams do not yet have iPad Kiosks set up. Don’t ask me why that is, as it seems like such a no brainer, but for one reason or another, sports teams have not yet fully recognized the value that iPad can bring to sports fans while in the stadium. Now we are a long way away from this, but how neat would it be if every seat in the stadium had an iPad connected to it. Imagine all of the possibilities… Again, we are a long way away from that, BUT that doesn’t mean that sports teams can’t set up 10-20 iPad Kiosks around the stadium.
Setup iPad Kiosks in Sports Stadiums
With thousands of fans walking around stadiums during sports games what a perfect opportunity to convert those fans into social media connections. Once fans are converted into online connections sports teams can market directly to those fans via one of the most economical marketing channels available, social media. Setting up iPad Kiosks around sports stadiums would be very simple. You already see technologies integrated throughout sports stadiums. Flat screen TVs are literally everywhere. Digital signs and displays are also sprinkled throughout stadiums. Setting up floor stand iPad Kiosks would be a perfect addition. Here are the core steps involved in setting up iPad Kiosks at sports stadiums:
- Purchase iPad Kiosk floor stands and iPads
- Determine the best locations throughout the stadium to secure the iPad floor stands
- Ensure there is a strong wireless signal throughout the stadium or make sure the iPads are 3G/4G enabled
- Secure the iPads in the iPad Kiosks and secure the floor stands to the stadium floor
- Determine which iPad apps you want to use
Convert Sports Fans into Social Media Connections
As you can see from the steps above, setting up iPad Kiosks around a sports stadium is pretty simple. Now it’s time to put them to use. OnSpot Social can help sports teams convert their fans into social media connections. OnSpot Social allows subscribers to collect Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Email Subscribers through an iPad.
Let’s use the Philadelphia Phillies as an example. The Phillies have Facebook and Twitter accounts which they use to communicate with fans. If the Phillies setup iPad Kiosks around their stadium, and used OnSpot Social, fans could visit the iPad Kiosk in between innings, before the game, or after the game and either Like the Phillies’ Facebook Page and/or Follow the Phillies on Twitter right there on the spot. Once connected the Phillies marketing department can now send marketing messages to these fans via Facebook and Twitter. If you think the Phillies have a large following on Facebook and Twitter now, imagine how many connections they would have after just a few weeks of running OnSpot Social on iPad Kiosks at their stadium.
Professional sports teams are always looking for new ways to make the fan experience better. With this being the case, we think it’s only a matter of time before we start seeing iPad Kiosks pop up around sports stadiums around the world. Hopefully once an investment in those iPad Kiosks is made, sports teams will start looking for iPad apps to use at their stadium. When they do, OnSpot Social will be waiting. 🙂