OnSpot Social: An Affordable Email Marketing Campaign Solution
Every business should know that in order to identify and appeal to your audience, you must have an effective email marketing campaign; however, if your business is just starting out, you are probably wondering why having a successful email marketing campaign is so important. So, before you start spamming everyone you know with emails, or just throwing the idea of an email marketing campaign completely out the window, you should take the time to learn what it really involves and how to properly use it to increase the success of your own business.
In today’s world, internet marketing is much more than a trend; it’s an opportunity for businesses to expand their networks and increase their sales. Nowadays, you’ll have a difficult time finding a business without some sort of internet marketing strategy, regardless of how successful it is. But when all is said and done, the most important aspect of a great internet marketing strategy is email marketing.
Many of the most successful businesses will tell you that half of the battle of being able to manage an email marketing campaign is actually building a subscriber list. You’ll also notice that most of these businesses do this online; however, if you don’t put enough time to build your online presence, you are certainly missing out on innumerable opportunities to expand your network. While you may have your customers signing up with the traditional pen-and-paper, you could be spending additional time marketing your business online instead of having to decipher handwriting and organize spreadsheets.
So, how do you get more subscribers to sign up online? OnSpot Social is your answer!
Using OnSpot Social for Your Email Marketing
Essentially, OnSpot Social is an inexpensive method of automating the process of collecting email addresses and other contact details. Its most recent iPad update now gives businesses even more opportunities to collect customer information, as now there is no 3G, 4G or internet connection required.
At a basic level, when customers are using your storefront or tradeshow’s iPad to sign up with your business, they can be prompted to “like” your business on Facebook, follow your updates on Twitter and/or sign up to receive your newsletters. By giving your customers and prospects more options to know more about your business, they are also more likely to submit the contact information you need to really take your email marketing campaign to the next level.
With the OnSpot Social app, you’ll also be able to customize the sign-up form’s appearance for your brand, set a display message to attract the attention of those passing by and invite your customers to get closer with your business right on the spot.
Many brick-and-mortar small businesses struggle with the challenge of developing and growing their e-mail marketing lists, and are left to depend on pen-and-paper sign-up sheets and occasional visitors to their website. With the OnSpot Social app, small businesses now have the ideal solution to their email marketing campaigns. To date, OnSpot Social has been successfully used by retailers, colleges and universities, restaurants, healthcare offices and companies attending trade shows. Find out what OnSpot Social can do for your business today!