No Wi-fi? No Problem! Collect E-Mails Offline with OnSpot Social
Whether you regularly promote your business through trade shows or conventions, or are looking for a more effective and easy way of collecting email addresses and other information from potential customers, you’ll want a portable solution that is not only accurate and time-efficient, but inexpensive as well, which is exactly where OnSpot Social comes in.
Regardless of whether you are a small operation or large corporation, when it comes to defining your sales process, one of your most important aspects will be to find new leads. And in order for a business of any size to thrive and be successful, acquiring new clients and customers is essential; however, how effective will that process of collecting new leads really be if you must have an internet connection?
Fortunately, with OnSpot Social, you don’t always have to be connected to the world wide web to gather the information you need. Now, you can take your business anywhere!
Collecting Consumer Information Offline
Since not every business can have the luxury of being connected to 3G or a wireless network, OnSpot Social has now made it possible for businesses to collect consumer information without an internet connection.
Because many consumers are still weary of inputting their Facebook login credentials onto an iPad or other device that is not their own, OnSpot Social has been brainstorming to come up with a way that will make liking a business on Facebook simple without being required to hand out their personal information, as well as still provide their clients with an easy way of collecting the consumer information they needed.
When customers use your storefront iPad, they can now easily enter their email address and submit it. Then, they’ll automatically be sent an email that contains your Facebook business page link. From there, your consumers can easily “like” your business from their home computer, iPad, smartphone or whatever device they are using to read their email, and at their own convenience.
If OnSpot Social is running without an internet connection, the emails that your consumers input into the iPad will be saved locally, and the next time you are connected to the internet, those consumers will then be able to receive the email that will connect them with your business’ Facebook page.
New Custom Field for Email Collection Process
Many of those who use OnSpot Social with the iPad are companies that take their business to events, where they often take advantage of collecting email addresses. With the new 2.0 version of the app, businesses are now able to add another field to their email collection process.
In addition to having the capability of collecting emails, as well as a first name from consumers, the app now allows you to create a custom field, which also gives you the ability to gather nearly any kind of information you need from those consumers. For example, mobile numbers, zip codes and even the size of a consumer’s family can be easily collected.
OnSpot Social has made many upgrades to their app in order to help businesses grow their online community. And now, with their new offline feature, businesses now have the opportunity to find new leads wherever they go.