

iPad App Helps Businesses Collect 10,000 New Online Connections in Two Months

18 months ago OnSpot Social was merely an idea. A few guys got together to talk about future technology trends when an idea hit them… iPad is changing every single industry on the planet. It’s only a matter of time before companies start leveraging iPad as a marketing tool. Now combine that with a trend that is firmly in place within the business community, Social Media Marketing, and we knew we might have something special. Over the past 5 years of working within the Social Media Marketing space I knew that the biggest challenge business owners faced with Social Media Marketing was finding an effective and cost efficient way to build their online community. OnSpot Social, an iPad application designed to allow businesses to collect Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Email Subscribers on an iPad, is the solution to their Social Media Marketing challenge.

After a year in production this past May OnSpot Social was released to Apple’s App Store for sale to companies looking to leverage the power of new technologies like iPad and the Internet to grow their social media and email connections. Like all startups we launched OnSpot Social with a number of underlying assumptions. We did a lot of market research during the production phase, but we knew that until businesses started using it with consumers, we wouldn’t know if we had a winner or not.

Two months out of the gate we had approximately 30 paying subscribers using OnSpot Social around the U.S. and even some globally. While doing some normal maintenance one of the partners decided to count the number of connections collected through OnSpot Social by our 30 subscribers. He was amazed to see that in only two months our iPad application helped businesses collect over 10,000 new social media and email connections!

What’s even more amazing is that with such a new technology you would think that there would be a learning curve with both the business who is using the app to convert consumers into online connections AND the consumer who’s never been exposed to this sort of marketing channel before. Yet in the first two months post launch those hurdles were toppled and our subscribers were having more success than we ever assumed. It’s exciting to think about what the future holds for OnSpot Social and In-Store Marketing with iPad, but judging from the success that we have had, and that our customers have had in such a short time, we are definitely ratcheting up our assumptions!

For more information on In-Store Marketing with iPad or OnSpot Social, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We look forward to hearing from you!