Use Tablets In Movie Theaters To Convert Consumers Into Social Media Connections
Tablet Marketing is spreading from one type of business to the next right in front of our eyes. First it was events and trade shows using tablets to engage attendees, then it was restaurants and retail stores using tablet marketing, and now the tablet marketing meme is spreading to movie theaters. If you think about it, it makes sense.
Movie theaters are perfect businesses to leverage tablet marketing as they have a lot of consumers coming through there on a regular basis. Not only that, but a large portion of those consumers are the perfect demographic for using tablet marketing, younger, more tech savvy consumers. Now I know there are also a lot of older consumers going to the movies, who may not be the primary target, but that doesn’t mean theaters shouldn’t use tablets for engaging consumers in the waiting area of movie theaters as this is the perfect location for it.
Movie Theaters Using Tablet Marketing to Build Their Social Media Community
As the Tablet Marketing trend continues to grow there are more and more third party apps like OnSpot Social hitting the market. Companies are starting to see the potential in using third party apps instead of, or to compliment, their own custom apps. Apps like OnSpot Social are helping movie theaters grow their social media community by allowing movie theaters to collect Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Email Addresses from moviegoers right in the theater.
By setting up iPad kiosks in the waiting area (near the concession stands) movie theaters can maximize the number of eyeballs that see their digital content on the tablet. One way that theaters are using OnSpot Social to collect social media connections is to offer moviegoers a discount on their purchase of snacks and drinks at the concession stand. Anyone who Likes the theaters Facebook page or follow the theater on Twitter can receive the discount. It’s a great way to convert your target audience into digital connections for future marketing opportunities.
Movie Theaters Engage Consumers With Digital Content Through Tablets
One idea that I haven’t seen yet, but hopefully anyone who’s in charge of Marketing for movie theaters will consider after reading this article, is to show 15 second previews of movies that are coming out soon and then use some sort of survey tool, like OnSpot Social, to find out what moviegoers think of the movie and if they think they’ll come see it in the theater. If set up properly movie theaters could use this to gauge future ticket sales for movies that haven’t been released yet. Pretty innovative if you ask me.
Have You Seen An iPad Set Up At Your Local Movie Theater?
As mentioned above, the trend is just now beginning to take hold. I’ve only seen and heard of a few movie theaters who are currently dipping their toe in the water when it comes to using tablet marketing to engage consumers with digital content. That said, I see movie theaters as a perfect type of business for tablet marketing and I think we’ll start to see more and more of them beginning to use tablets at their theaters in the very near future.
Is your local movie theater using tablet marketing yet? If so, leave a comment and let us know which theater is using it and what they are using it for. We’d love to hear first hand accounts of movie theaters using tablet marketing.