Department Store Uses iPad In-Store to Convert Over 400 Shoppers into Social Media Connections In One Month
Since the launch of OnSpot Social a lot of prospective customers have been asking us how is the app working for other businesses. The other question we get a lot is, “what types of businesses are using OnSpot Social successfully”. We have been replying to these folks individually and figured it makes sense to write an article about one of our customers who’s exceeding their own expectations, and ours, when it comes to building their online community with OnSpot Social.
We cannot provide you with the name of the company, but we can tell you that it’s a large children’s department store and they have been using OnSpot Social in-store to collect Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Customer Email Addresses for just over one month. Over the past month this department store has setup an iPad Kiosk in a high traffic area of their store, created a message with a clear call-to-action so that their customers know how to interact with the app, and they are converting shoppers into online connections every single day.
This customer in particular has been very successful in using iPad + OnSpot Social in-store to grow their online community. In just over one month they have collected well over 400 NEW online connections. For their strategy they are focused mostly on collecting customer email addresses, but they are also collecting Facebook Likes and Twitter Followers with OnSpot Social. In my experience as a social media marketer, I have not seen any marketing tools which cost less than $15/month that are able to consistently collect over 10 new social media and email connections per day. It’s a pretty incredible set of numbers and our customer is just getting started. They are still learning what works best with their customers, so you would think that over time these numbers are actually going to keep rising, which is incredible.
We have a lot of other customers who are collecting Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Customer Email Addresses successfully with OnSpot Social. We wanted to highlight this company in particular because of the huge amount of success they are having in such a short period of time. It’s proving to us that the value of OnSpot Social is absolutely there. We can’t wait until more business owners jump on board as we know that with a little creativity + iPad + OnSpot Social you can grow your online community to levels that you never before thought possible without spending thousands of dollars.
If you’re interested in seeing how OnSpot Social works, please download it for free from the App Store. Once you’re ready, you can sign-up for a paid subscription and start getting more Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Email Subscribers right away.